Lesson 40 (Part 2): The Characteristics Displayed in an Important Episode of Alexander the Great’s Life

A Roman historian named Plutarch, who lived from approximately 46-119 A.D., wrote The Life of Alexander,among other books. In Plutarch’s telling of this story, he shows the characteristics of compassion, care, and love Alexander the Great possessed and displayed.

When Alexander was a young boy, his father, Philip, arranged to buy a horse from a Thessalian named Philonieus. However, when the horse arrived, and Philip, with many others, went out to see it, Philip was not pleased. It was an unruly beast, fighting for freedom at every turn and snorting at and lashing out at any who tried to mount. Philip demanded that Philonieus take back the steed.

Alexander, who had watched the proceedings from a safe distance and examined the stallion, exclaimed, “What a horse they are losing, for want of skill and spirit to manage him!” Philip ignored him at first, but Alexander kept persisting with his statement. Philip chastised him for talking as if he knew better than his elders and as if he could manage the horse.

Alexander interjected, in seeming rashness, that he could ride the horse and that he would buy it too. Everyone laughed but allowed him to attempt a ride anyway.

Grabbing the stallion’s bridal, Alexander turned him so the sun’s rays shot into the horse’s eyes. No longer could the horse see its shadow. Alexander had observed that when the shadows moved, they startled the horse. While whispering calm, kind words, Alexander let go of the bridal and mounted his new steed safely. With soft, gentle movements, Alexander guided the stallion into a trot, and as he felt the horse’s wish to gallop, he let the horse have its will.

As one, the court gasped in horror, thinking the stallion was wild again and sure to kill the boy. But with masterful movements, Alexander turned the horse around and brought it back, stopping in front of the observers.

Alexander showed great compassion, kindness, and care for the horse. Rather than demanding, throwing things, or yelling at the horse, he brought the stallion under submission with quiet words and love. Surely, characteristics of a great king.

As Alexander dismounted his new steed, Philip ran to kiss his son. With tears in his eyes, he informed Alexander, “Seek another kingdom, my son, that may be worthy of thy abilities; for Macedonia is too small for thee…”

Alexander’s future had ups and downs. His father hired the renowned Aristotle to tutor Alexander. Unfortunately, Philip passed away not long after, leaving the throne to twenty-year-old Alexander.

Later in Alexander’s life, he followed his father’s words and dreams. Alexander traversed across the continent, conquering countries and civilizations as he went and made them all into one united empire. In this, Alexander showed compassion. Cities would surrender, turning themselves in because they knew Alexander would not kill them but show them kindness. Alexander also showed love for his mother by sending her many lavish gifts from his plunder.

Alexander the Great displayed many admirable characteristics we should strive for. Compassion, care, and love are more valuable than many riches.

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